Friday, October 10, 2008

Questions 1, 2 & 3 - Mass ballot - Pass it on!!

Dear friends,
*short and sweet*
This is meant to briefly help in navigating the confusing and often misleading language of ballot questions - for those of you that plan to vote in MA, or have friends that will vote this November (deadline to register is Oct. 15!) - there will be 3 questions on the ballot: (pass this on)


* Voting yes on 1 would reduce personal income tax - that may initially sound good, but what it really means is getting rid of the income which social programs rely on so that means less money for education, social services, public projects, etc. (These horrible economic times are not the times to cut funding for social services that low income families rely on, or teacher's salaries - for example..)  Vote NO on 1!

* Question 2 is a vote to decriminalize people possessing less than one ounce of marijuana, and making it a civil offense instead - this means a huge help to people - particularly young people - who have CORI's and then cant get jobs! Vote YES on 2!
         [Click HERE to read about what CORI's are; HERE to read about common mistakes on CORI records.]

* Question 3 is a vote to end dog racing in MA - which is cruel and unusual for dogs.
Vote YES  on 3 to end dog racing.

OK - maybe you don't agree (I doubt it) - but even if you disagree, isn't it better to be informed in advance of the vote, and to understand the consequences of each choice?
So please, pass it on to other Massachusetts voters, so that we can all be better informed on what to expect in the ballot, and organized to have our values reflected in our vote.
Thank you!



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