Wednesday, March 08, 2006

International Women's Day

to read about it click here:

So it doesn't really feel like there is a women's movement alive today.
At least it is not ovbious to me, and if I have to look so deep to find it, then there is a problem.
Ever feel like women (specially the women of color of the world) have way too many things to fight for, to be so quiet, darn it!?

I was listening yesterday to this speech by Lydia Sargent, from my friend Jon's awesome awesome page - check it out, and listen to these speeches, I do it while cleaning, is great - - and I was just feeling that all the evils she described are things that I experience every single day of my life. It made me angry and I guess that is a good thing.

About the stupid flyer - I got this on email today. Anyone who takes their kid to see this needs to just be smacked. Hard. (I'm being kind).

"Barbie, Live!"?
Barbie can't be alive because she is a fake plastic construction of a creature that could not walk straight if she were alive, because the weight of her chest is so big and disproportionate, and her legs would be so long and skinny and weak - that she would have no balance and just fall forward, and her waist wuld be so tiny it would crack. Remember the days when you wanted to be a barbie doll? I do.
But who cares about that - there is a Barbie show that will be poisoning the heads of lots of Boston little girls, coming to town. Someone is going to make money. Right?
We have a lot of work to do!


Blogger Meivelous said...

hummm just how many teenage girls do you think grow up to be anorexic or bulimic partly because of the influence of the unattainable image of beauty "learned" from barbie? nevermind barbie is mostly white - only reecently they have barbies of color, that don't realy look like women of color, but then again barbie doesn't look human - and nevermind barbie is creation of capitalism - for the profit of an american company - that is an expensive toy for priviledged children that teaches nothing positive or educational whatsoever.. just a few of the 1000 reasons why... I know is heartbreaking and difficult to look at barbie with brand new eyes dude.. we have loved her so much indeed :-(

Wednesday, March 08, 2006 11:27:00 PM  

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